Saturday, 7 December 2019


Rather easy too, which is nice. He recommended that players rent the game rather than buy it. Second in command to the Satanic Priest running the show, this is one mean bad guy. This page was last edited on 29 September , at The game begins just after a wagon caravan has been attacked by werewolves , who ended up stealing a man's only son. silverload psx

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There are several major differences between the PC and PS1 versions.


The console release is surprisingly trickier than its computer originator, notably from the first puzzle: With the exception of the gun store owner whose stuttering takes too long, all the voices perfectly suit the characters, from the sultry and provocative saloon whore to the satanic priest himself.

First PersonAdventure: After this excellent opening though even the PSOne update abandons the idea of equipable items and follows standard procedure for point-and-clicks, with you selecting inventory items and applying them to the environment directly.

A curious accent for an even more curious gentlemen. Sentient Prisoner of Ice Discworld Necronomicon: European DOS cover art.

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An anthropologist who came to Silverload with his colleague Carl Whitehead, to retrieve a collection of cursed Indian relics. The wife takes a disliking to you but the husband, wounded in the recent raid, gives you his compass to help navigate the storm.

The game was released silvefload Local men set about making it more habitable, hunting down and wiping out all the wolves which lived in the surrounding forests. Encyclopedia of Weird Westerns.

Retrieved from " https: Any damage taken can be healed afterwards using items bought at the general store. Picking up certain objects will cause the game's and town's clock to move forward, and thus, the trick to success is to pick up the right items in the precise order. Time only progresses after collecting a specific number of key items, thereby preventing you from missing something solverload. Related Articles at HG The tribesmen, as it just so happens, were the cowboy's long-lost ancestors.

A sultry minx in black at the saloon.

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Second in command to the Satanic Priest running the show, this is one mean bad guy. Silverloar the PS1 version cut the monologue and replaced the comic book with a rather generic CG FMV showing a buzzard flying around. Additionally, most scenes were redrawn for the PS1 update, incorporating transparencies, lighting, CG and photography.

Cain This young upstart is a resident of Silverload and leader of a small gang that likes to rough up outsiders. Games from are not renowned for their good acting, and Silverload is a cut above the rest from that era.

The Collection Chamber: SILVERLOAD

Sheriff Second in command to the Satanic Priest running the show, this is one mean bad guy. Movement is fast and the enemies drop quickly, and even if you sometimes miss you can still recover.

These will protect your eyes while wandering through the storm. Unfortunately for all its good ideas, fantastic setting, great script and suitable voice acting, Silverload does suffer from some rather serious problems. Dilverload sounds like it should be awful, but because the collision boxes for enemies are generous it actually works extremely well. Silverloadat least the PS1 update, has a number of clever ideas silverooad separate it from the rest of the adventure game pack.

Characters are more gritty and the rural accents are toned down slightly, though the stuttering shop owner stutters more than before in the PS1 game, which sulverload things down.

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The first is common to many old adventure games: Which leads us to the biggest difference: Roughly 20 years ago a land deed was acquired to mine silver in the mountains, and from here the town of Silverload was born. The player character, an anti-hero cowboy, agrees to go to the town, find the child and return him to his father.

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