Monday, 2 December 2019


G menjadikan sexist sbg jualan utama, joke2nya jg menyatu dg cerita g sprti yg lainnya yg berasa kumpulan sketsa komedi, dan bbrp kritik sosial yg terselip dg baik. What I don't like: Bastian Kasino and Tora Sudiro Indro and combining elements from several original movies. Maybe it's just the standards of humor back then, who knows. And what about the doctors? Eva Arnaz , Fortunella and Hengky Solaiman. film dono kasino indro sama juga bohong

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Warkop DKI (Creator) - TV Tropes

Bagi yg pengen film warkop tanpa joke sexist, ini adalah jawabannya. Warkop produced most of their work over -starring in 34 comedy films. Assembled in Jakarta on under Prambors management, they initially went by the name Warkop Prambors. Depan Bisa Belakang Bisa. Such a nice view, Kas. They also met with Chintami top singers.


They soon burgeoned as the country's top comedy group, surpassing Srimulat and Jakarta Group. Retrieved masino " https: The food here is like horse feed! You forgot the keys! Dono and his two friends managed to make the robot to be commercialized.

You need to login to do this. What I don't like: Murni melucu, tanpa perlu kita pikirkan bagaimana plotnya berjalan dan tak perlu memikrkan seberapa korelasinya semua lawakan dengan plot.

film dono kasino indro sama juga bohong

Retrieved 22 April Liza PatzyIda Kusumah and Tarsan. Eva Arnaz and Dian Nitami.

WARKOP DKI "Sama Juga Bohong"

It doesn't mean it has to be that way - but people stop caring for the story midway thru the bohng. This hospital knows how to take care of patients like you. Alasannya krn g cocok sm joke2 sexist dan slapstick, dan kebanyakan sketsa komedi yg terpisah2, entah knp film komedi tipe begini g bs sam sy nikmati.

We will have a tons of LOL moments for sure. This page was last edited on 28 Augustat Articles needing additional references from June All articles needing additional references.

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This is one of finest Warkop DKI's works. Warkop an abbreviation of Warung Kopi, meaning "coffee stall" were an Indonesian comedy troupe that enjoyed success in radio, films and television over the s and s.

Views Read Edit View history. I think I'll die in a week or two! Bisa Naik Bisa Turun. The kasinl surviving member of the core trio is Indro, after Kasino died from a brain tumor in and Dono died from lung cancer inand he still appears in comedy films.

film dono kasino indro sama juga bohong

Their student background prompted them to incorporate social criticism into their comedy. This is something lacking from modern comedy features. James and Bang Cholil. GeEr - Gede Rasa. I believe we all miss the story of struggling students in paving ways to survive in a metropolitan city.

film dono kasino indro sama juga bohong

They soon burgeoned as the country's top comedy group, surpassing Srimulat and Jakarta Group. Warkop an abbreviation of War ung Kop i, meaning "coffee stall" were an Indonesian comedy troupe that enjoyed success in radio, films and television over the s and s.

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